Projects and Design
I have created a series of moving and printed graphics to make research and complex information accessible and engaging.
Motion Graphics
I have designed a variety of motion graphics to grab attention with vivid visuals and elucidate information.
Documentary Graphics
I have designed graphics, working with archival documents and traditional materials, for nonfiction documentary narratives.

Aid Collaboration to Increase Access
This app design was created in response to a Brown University “Hack for Humanity,” design challenge, in which we were asked to combat obstruction of humanitarian aid through a design intervention. In the specific context we were asked to address, the Rohingya refugee crisis, certain NGOs face governmental regulations in delivering aid to many parts of rural Myanmar. Because of this, my team created the idea for an app that encouraged collaboration between NGOs that do not have access to certain areas, and NGOs that do have access and local knowledge, but lack resources. We based the design off of the current organizational infrastructure for NGOs, called a “cluster.” I designed visual elements of the app, worked with my team from ideation to presentation, and was one of the presentors for a panel of professors and influential actors in the humanitarian sector. This design, the concept creation, and most of the research was executed within a 24 hour time limit.
"Gulnaz, Baljit, and Sahar"
a comics collaboration with 3 illustrators, to illustrate the stories of the cases of an international lawyer
Sample pages from a collaboration with 3 Illustrators and International Lawyer Kimberley Motely
The "Baljit" comic is about a deportation case, in which an Afghan man seeking asylum in Britain was illegally deported. I illustrated and scripted this comic, which was one of 3. I also scheduled meetings, led group discussions, reached out to outside resources, and did research for the team. The collaboration was made with the intention of clarifying injustices through story, and informing people of their legal rights.

Soul album design
Soul Album Design Contest
For the "Soul" Album design contest, I created a poster concept that captured my interpretation of the movie. For me, the movie was a reminder to define soul not only by the work we produce and the crafts we practice, but by the collection of small moments that inspire us to live.
Kokrobitey institute tagline and website design

The Kokrobitey Institute is a nonprofit organization in Ghana, that focuses on the intersection between sustainability, tradition, and design, in the face of a quickly developing context. I designed their website for them, taking the many programs that they are involved in and streamlining the information so that the function of the organization, and their mission statement, is communicated clearly. I also helped them to create their tagline “Read the World.”This was an exercise in simplification and accessibility. The founder wanted to communicate the importance of “reading” your cultural context, and the way you exist in your environment, and, together, we simplified this concept into “reading the World”
Lastly, I created a journalistic animation to help them convey these themes.
Here is the link to the website
and my journalistic animation is below